It all started when I dipped my toe into the world of owning my own network marketing business. I loved the freedom, the potential and the possibilities that came with running my own business. And after taking a step back to focus on having kids and eventually going back to work in the corporate world, I felt the pull again to not just own my own business but to help other female entrepreneurs grow theirs too.
From my early days teaching myself iWeb to dabbling in Squarespace and Wix to my true love - Showit…I’ve learned all of this so that I could use that skill and help other women create a life they love with their business through the power of a beautiful AF (and converting) website.
I've spent hours learning different website platforms.
Sis, you have much better things to be doing than fucking around with the formatting of a text box for 45 minutes - things like taking your kids to soccer practice or going on date night with your hubby or just getting some time to zone out and catch up on Vanderpump Rules.
That’s what I’m here to help you with - free up that time in your day with a website that converts clients for you, so you don’t have to be hustling so damn much in your business everyday.
You need to have a funnel and customer journey in place that people can effortlessly work their way through without you having to even speak to them in the process. When your process is automated, you will quite literally be able to sign clients while you sleep.
When it comes to creating a high-level business that is making that GOOD-GOOD money, people aren’t going to invest in you unless they think you’re worth it. Having a professional, credible and elevated online presence will set you apart and show people you’re worth charging what you do.
Scaling your business requires you to have a system in place for your offers - from your free lead generation product to your paid offers, and everything in between. When you have a system in place for how you market your offers, then people will be able to work with you at every level of business no matter where they’re at - and THAT is how you see your income continue to grow month after month.