3 Ways a Professionally Designed Website Can Free Up Your Time and Boost Revenue

Just like everything in life, I feel like entrepreneurship is all about shifting with the seasons.

When you first start your business, you are in the season of investing your time to grow your business, because that is what you have, right? As a new business owner, you don’t typically have thousands of dollars to hire a web designer, a social media manager, a VA or online business manager, etc. You’re just starting out, so YOU get to wear allll the hats!

BUT – eventually, as your business starts to grow, things start to change.

As you start to make money in your business, you can start to use that money to invest back into resources, help and other things so that you can grow and scale faster.

Your website should be one of the first investments you make once you’ve started to make money in your business because of its potential to help you take your business to the next level. I truly believe that once you have moved through that DIY Phase as a business owner, your website should be top of the list to get done – whether you’ve been able to get by thus far without a website at all, or you’ve DIYed your website from the beginning and you are ready to uplevel, a professional website can help your business grow in big ways, and that is what we will dig into in this blog post!

In today’s blog post, we are going to touch on:

As a business owner making $5k-$10k months and pushing past that beginner stage, your time is so fucking valuable, friend. You HAVE to value it, because its the only resource that you cannot get more of. You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time, so you need to see your time as uber-valuable and save it anywhere you can. A professional website can make that happen for you.

How automation and streamlined processes are your BFF as your business grows

I see so many business owners that struggle when their business grows from getting rid of that DIY mindset that you have when you first start. I get it, because when you’re just beginning, you only have your time to invest. But once you start to grow, you have to lean into automation and streamlining your processes. The reason is because your priorities change as your business grows – certain things that you may have done manually will start to take up too much time, so automating certain tasks becomes HELLA important so that you have more time to do the things that only YOU can do in your business.

Your website can streamline SO many processes in your business.

From warming up cold leads that discover you from Google/social media, to overcoming any objections that potential customers have before they decide to move forward with you, to getting the onboarding process set up, to sending invoices, etc….your website can be your little 24/7 employee that is working hard for you around the clock.

This is why your website needs to be one of the first things that you upgrade as your business grows.

Let’s go a little more into how your website can not only free up your time, but also help you make more money in your business. Because at the end of the day, that’s why you’re running your business right? If your goal is to scale, increase your revenue but also free up more time, then a professional website has to be top of the to-do list.

Reason 1: Automating lead generation and client onboarding

One of the top reasons why you need to invest in a professional website is because it can automate your lead generation and streamline your client onboarding process. When you’re first starting your business, lead generation is probably one of the most time consuming tasks in your business. You don’t typically have many leads in the beginning, so you have to get out there and hustle a bit to get those leads into your pipeline. But with a top notch website, your lead generation can start to run on autopilot so that you can divert your time into other, high level tasks in your business

How your website can help automate lead generation:

  • Streamlined lead capturing:
    A high-converting website can help you bring more leads into your business through the use of strategically placed forms, freebie downloads and clear copy that entices website visitors to take the next step with you. Instead of manually tracking potential clients from social media DMs or emails, a well-designed site funnels visitors into your CRM automatically.
  • Integrations to automate scheduling, invoicing, emails and more:
    A professional website can include integrations with your scheduling platform, your CRM, your invoicing platform, your email marketing platform, and so much more. Imagine eliminating the back-and-forth emails trying to schedule appointments – a freaking DREAM right?! A website with integrated scheduling (like Calendly or Acuity) allows visitors to book directly based on your availability. This saves hours each week and keeps the process hands-free. The same goes for adding people to your email list, sending them invoices and so much more. Good integrations mean LESS time for you in your inbox.
  • Onboarding through automation:
    A good website isn’t just going to help you with potential leads, but it can also streamline your processes when it comes to your clients as well. A professionally designed site can guide new clients through onboarding, from booking a consultation to filling out necessary intake forms automatically, freeing up time that you’d otherwise spend chasing them down for details.

Ultimately, a good website can be a HUGE time saver in your business – and this doesn’t just translate to you being able to do other, more important tasks that need your attention, but this also means you can have more time to LIVE. More time to be present with your family, more time being able to drop kids off at school, take them to soccer practice, make dinner and have a movie night, go out to happy hour with your girlfriends that you haven’t seen in 2 months…

I am all about anything in my business that gives me back my precious minutes. I’m a mom. Spending time and making memories with my family is literally the most important thing to me, so having a business that supports this is CRUCIAL. I’m not here to build a business that requires me to work around the clock, and I know you aren’t either.

Reason 2: Reducing time spent on troubleshooting and maintenance

Let’s be real, friend – unless you’re a web designer, creating and maintaining your website can take a lot of fucking time. There are those moments when you want to go in and make one tiny tweak, only to realize that you have completely fucked up the formatting of your entire home page, deleted all of your photos and reverted your page back to it’s original template form – all in one click.

Shit like that is infuriating because one simple tweak turns into hours of editing and formatting.

This is why outsourcing to a professional is one of the best things you can do, because your website is important and it needs to look good, it needs to work correctly and it needs to be updated for it work for you. Not only that, but having a professional website can save you time in other ways, too.

How you can save time maintaining and troubleshooting your website:

  • Get your site optimized for performance:
    One thing that a pro web designer can do for your website is make sure that it’s optimized to run at it’s best. This means making sure your load times are quick, your links aren’t broken and all of your design elements look as they should. Oftentimes, when you are DIYing your website, you don’t have the knowledge of all these potential things that can drag your website down, so getting some professional eyes on it will help keep your website running so that you have less issues down the road.
  • Reliable tech support:
    Sometimes, things will happen with your website and if you don’t have a web designer on your squad or someone you could go to for questions, you’re left with using your website platform’s FAQs or talking to a chat bot to fix issues. AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. Investing in a web designer means you have a go-to person that can help when things go wrong with your website, and some designers can even get you on a monthly/quarterly maintenance plan so that they can always be there to help when needed. You don’t have to waste hours trying to fix things yourself, meaning your site stays up and running smoothly without your involvement.

Ultimately, when you have a professionally designed website, you will cut down the amount of time you spend with upkeep, fixing issues and all of the other back end tech stuff that can take SO much of your time. If you’re not a web designer, then your precious time doesn’t need to be spent twiddling with text boxes and waiting for 35 minutes for tech support to pick up the phone. Get your website optimized from the jump so that less issues arise, and find a trusted web designer that can not only get your website launched for success, but can help keep it running smoothly for you.

Reason 3: Converting visitors into clients with strategic design

We’ve talked a bit about how a professional website can help you save time…but it can also help you make more money in your business. CHA-CHING, baby. Having a website is great, but having a website that brings in leads, makes more sales and does all of this on autopilot while you’re sleeping, at you kids’ football game or at an ‘NSync reunion concert with your besties (wishful thinking, I know…but I’m trying to manifest it, ok??) is where you really start to see just how valuable your website is to your marketing ecosystem and your business as a whole.

Here is how you can convert more website visitors into paying clients with strategic website design:

  • Backed by strategy:
    A well-designed website is built with conversion in mind. Through strategically placed clear calls-to-action, a user-friendly navigation and guiding your website visitors intentionally from section to section with your copy and photos, your visitors are more likely to become paying clients. A professional web designer can create a website that doesn’t just look great, but actually drives more sales in your business…without you having to do a single thing.
  • Fewer follow ups:
    There’s really nothing worse (and more time consuming) than chasing leads who aren’t quite ready to convert. With a strategic website, it can actually nurture those website visitors through content like FAQs, case studies, or testimonials so that they build trust and feel comfortable moving forward with you. By the time they contact you, they’re already primed to buy, which reduces your follow-up workload.
  • Consistent revenue:
    Higher conversion rates from your website lead to more clients with less effort. A website that works for you behind the scenes allows you to focus on other aspects of growing your business while still having a steady stream of clients coming in. Your website can help fill up your pipeline so you always have people that are interested in what you have to offer.

Ultimately, a website without strategy is just taking up space online. But a website that is backed with strategy and optimized to convert will help you save time, make more money and SCALE your business to the next level. Strategy is everything when it comes to your website, and having a professional designer that can infuse that into every page is one of the best investments you can make if scaling your business and your revenue is top priority.

You can’t afford not to invest in your website

Friend, I know you. I KNOW you are wanting to grow your business to the next level – otherwise you wouldn’t be sitting here reading this blog post. I’m not just saying this because I’m a web designer, but you have to put your website as PRIORITY ONE if you haven’t already. Your DIY website could actually be costing you money and leads, whereas a new, professional website that has a solid strategy will do the exact opposite. You can’t afford not to invest in your website, because of how much time it can give you in your business, because of how much it is able to do for your business, because of how essential it is in this day and age for your credibility and authority…I could go on and on.

If you have been leaning on your outdated DIY website for some time, this is your sign to get your new website launched. And if you have gotten by so far in your business without a website at all, this is DEFINITELY your sign to get it launched ASAP so that you can start to see all of those positive benefits that it has on your life as a business owner.

Let me help you launch your high-converting website…in just a week

If you’ve read this blog and had that lightbulb moment where you realize that it is time to get your new website launched, then you’re in the right place.

With Website in a Week, I can help take you from no website or DIY website to a professional, branded and strategic website that instantly upgrades your business. We will not just get a beautiful website launched, but it will be backed by strategy that is based on your specific goals in your business. Whether that is to sell a specific offer, build credibility, create a strong community, we will work to create a website strategy that gets you to your goals.

With Website in a Week, you’ll experience:

  • Fast turnaround: A semi-customized, strategic website delivered in just 7 days.
  • Streamlined design & approval process: No endless revisions—clear, efficient steps from start to finish that will guide you through the week
  • Conversion-driven design: A website that not only looks good but turns visitors into clients
  • Brand consistency & cohesion: Your website will include a professional logo, cohesive font suite, and a tailored color palette—building brand trust and authority while creating a memorable experience for your audience
  • Expert support & training: You’ll get a website tutorial video to empower you to confidently make changes and updates long after the project is complete

Let’s work together to get your website OFF of your to do list and finally launched, my friend. If you’re interested, head over and submit your application so we can get your strategic website launched and you can start to reap the benefits of having this crucial part of your marketing ecosystem LIVE in your business!


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I can't wait to help you create a bomb ass website for your business. 

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